National Coming Out Day 2023

Someday, we won't have to "come out." Someday, we will simply say, "This is my boyfriend," or "This is my girlfriend," or "This is my partner, my lover, my person." And the people around us will say, "I am happy to meet your person. And I am happy that you are happy."

Today, however, it is still necessary for me to stand up and say, "I'm gay." Because there are still too many people who face discrimination because of this aspect of who we are. There are too many kids who will face homelessness or abusive "conversion therapy" because they're not straight and/or not cisgender. There are too many LGBTQ+ kids and adults who are considering suicide or self-harm because of the rejection they have experienced. There are record numbers of laws attacking our communities, and they are all based on the idea that there is something wrong with us.

There is nothing wrong with us. It took me a very long time to realize that. And I only arrived at that realization through the courage and visibility of the LGBTQ+ humans who came out before me. We are beautifully and wonderfully made. We have always been one part of the spectacular diversity of the human race.

We will always be here. And we will continue to stand up, to "come out," to be visible, to vote, to organize, to advocate, until that precious day when we can just be ourselves without fear. That day will come, and I pray it comes soon.

To anyone who has not yet shared who they truly are with others, who has not yet "come out," please do not feel pressured to do that before you are ready. Make sure you are as safe as you can be. Coming out is beautiful and freeing and powerful but the personal cost can be very high. Please take whatever time you need. You are loved exactly where you are right now. 


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