Believing in the Possible

Gold letters on a purple background, "What if we choose to believe in what is possible?"

I am grateful for this new year. I am grateful for a time built into the calendar when we get to close one chapter and open another. It’s a milestone similar to a birthday or anniversary. What has come before today is over, and what will happen today is up to me. Not in the sense of overwhelming pressure but in the sense of powerful possibility. There is so much more that I can do and become than I have ever given myself permission to really explore. 

And I think that’s true for everyone. Our potential is truly vast and that can be intimidating. Our possibilities are impacted by our environment and various structural realities, but the actual limits come from our beliefs. I am grateful to be in a place today where I can breathe deeply and be free to pursue the possibilities that are ahead of me. 

Where do you need to believe in possibility? Where have you felt stuck or limited? I don’t want to be unrealistic, but my realism is sometimes pessimism in disguise. What if we choose to look at the possibilities rather than the limitations? What if we take the time each day to connect with our deepest selves in whatever format works best for us, and we approach our deepest selves from a space of love, appreciation, and compassion instead of judgement, criticism or inadequacy. 

There is so much beauty and power inside each of us, but we are much more prone to see our perceived inadequacies and flaws. We learned this from watching others, perhaps our parents or other significant influencers in our lives. They learned it from their parents or others. Criticism and negativity strangle possibility all the time. 

What if we chose to believe in what is possible? And to grasp that our possibilities are actually even greater than we could imagine. It is a true shame, a grief, that so many of us are told explicitly or implicitly that our limitations are terminal. That they are bigger and more important than anything else about us. 

In 2022 I invite you to join me in rejecting these false and harmful beliefs about ourselves. To love ourselves fully with all the gifts and perceived limitations we may have. This love and acceptance that we give ourselves unlocks us from shackles of fear and self-judgement. Loving and accepting ourselves creates a powerful synergy with our higher power*, who says to us, “Okay, now we can really do some beautiful things together.” My intention for myself and for you this year is that we would choose to love everything about us and that our love would be the catalyst for the most beautiful and fruitful year we have ever had.

If you would like to explore how coaching can help you believe in what is possible, please use the Contact link to reach out!

*I’ll write more about this, but a “higher power” does not have to be in any way part of a religious belief structure.


Love is the Most Durable Power


What if we started from a place of worthiness?